
In this course, I am going to teach you how to program with Python and prepare you with the required skills to start with other programming languages. After taking this course, you should be able to very skillful in using conditions, loops, containers, and functions. We will also touch the basics of object-oriented programming. Students should be able solve a wide range of problems with python programming by the end of the semester.


<aside> 🧑‍🏫 Yifan Sun

Please call me Yifan without "Professor". If you send me an email, please start with "Hi Yifan" or the message body directly.

Email: [email protected]

Website: syifan.github.io

Office: McGlothlin-Street Hall 117


<aside> 🪑 Office Hour: Monday 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm, starting from 9/12/2022 Please come to my office hour at the beginning of the office hour with prepared questions.


Teaching Assistant

<aside> 👩 Sabila Al Jannat

Email: [email protected]

Office Hour: Monday 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Zoom: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79679824150?pwd=K57lDKTZUea3f1epBabrblLyA1UE6x.1



<aside> 🙎‍♂️ Sam Ma

Email: [email protected]

Office Hour: Thursday 1:00 pm - 4:00pm

Zoom: https://cwm.zoom.us/j/94071311224



<aside> 👩 Saima Afrin

Email: [email protected]

Office Hour: Monday 10AM to 1PM

Zoom: https://cwm.zoom.us/my/safrin

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting


Consulting Services

<aside> ⏱️ Time: Sunday - Thursday, 5pm - 11pm, Starting from 9/28/2022


Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
5:00 Kevin, Megan Connor, Kevin Jonas, Megan Amanda, Yile Yile, Chase
6:00 Kevin, Megan Connor, Kevin Jonas, Megan Amanda, Yile Yile, Chase
7:00 Kevin, Megan Connor, Kevin Jonas, Megan Amanda, Yile Yile, Chase
8:00 Sierra, Aamir Jonas, Beryl Aamir, Amanda Chase, Connor Sierra, Beryl
9:00 Sierra, Aamir Jonas, Beryl Aamir, Amanda Chase, Connor Sierra, Beryl
10:00 Sierra, Aamir Jonas, Beryl Aamir, Amanda Chase, Connor Sierra, Beryl

<aside> 📍 Location: McGlothlin-Street Hall, CS121 Lab


Lectures & Labs


<aside> ⏱️ Monday, Wednesday 2:00 pm - 3:20 pm


<aside> 📍 Blow Memorial Hall, 331


<aside> 🪑 Lectures will be in person. Please message the instructor if you cannot attend any lecture.


<aside> 💻

Laptop: Laptop is required for classes. I expect you can write code together with me during the lectures. Please charge your laptop before going to the class.


<aside> <img src="/icons/video-camera_gray.svg" alt="/icons/video-camera_gray.svg" width="40px" /> In rare cases, you can join the lecture online using the following zoom link


Here is the full zoom invitation



<aside> ⏱️ See the lab session you registered. Students must attend the registered lab session.


<aside> 📅 The first lab starts on September 6.


<aside> 📍 Location: McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 121
