
With the increasing amount of data in the big-data era, how to help people understand complex data is becoming increasingly challenging. Data visualization techniques bridge the data and human cognition, allowing people to understand data with a reduced mental burden. Today, data visualization is becoming an independent and popular research domain.

The goal of this course is to prepare students with the skills necessary to perform data visualization research. We will cover a wide range of commonly used data visualization techniques and commonly accepted data visualization principles. We will introduce the full process of designing a visualization tool, including the process of understanding people, understanding the data, the visualization tasks, implementation, and evaluation.

Students are encouraged to bring their domain-specific problems that require understanding a large amount of data. This course will be project-oriented. We will have NO midterm or final exams. Every student (or a 2-student group) will complete a "design study" research project during this course. Eventually, each group will finish a paper that meets the IEEEVis Short Paper quality.



<aside> 👨‍🏫 Yifan Sun

Please call me Yifan without "Professor". If you send me an email, please start with "Hi Yifan" or the message body directly.

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://sarchlab.org/syifan


McGlothlin-Street Hall 117

Office Hour:

Thursday 12:00pm - 2:00pm First office hour is on 2/1/2024 Last office hour is on 5/2/2024



<aside> 📗 Visualization Analysis and Design (AK Peters Visualization Series) 1st Edition ISBN-13: 978-1466508910 ISBN-10: 9781466508910


<aside> 👩🏼‍🏫 by Tamara Munzner


<aside> 👉 The textbook is required. Online access is made available by the William & Mary Library. You can search the book title on the website of the W&M library.



Important Dates

<aside> 📅 Last day to add/drop: February 2, 2022 Last day to withdraw: March 25, 2022



Lectures will be primarily in-person, unless otherwise noticed.

<aside> 🕑 Time: Tuesday, Thursday 2:00 pm - 3:20 pm


<aside> 📍 Location: Washington Hall, Room 002


Occasionally, if you need to join the lectures remotely, please use the Zoom invitation.


CSCI780 Fall 24 Data Visualization Zoom Invitation

Online Discussion

We will be using Slack for class communication. Please try to submit public messages as long as they are not related to your privacy.

Please use the link below to join the Slack channel.



Please check the table below for the schedule for the semester. If there is a small document icon on the left or a row (see image 1 on the right), the row has more information that is not visible in this table. Hover your mouse on the date and you can see an OPEN button (see image 2 on the right). Click on the button to see the information behind the entry.

All assignments due at 5:00 PM on the specific days.

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CSCI780 Data Visualization Spring24 Schedule